Friday, 7 November 2014


The wait is over. The TV advert that everyone has been looking forward to seeing. The John Lewis christmas advert has finally been released. After last years The Bear and The Hare, there was high expectations for this years christmas ad, and they have definitely been successful in making this years one even better. Its about a little boy having Monty the penguin as his friend which shows the story of their life together, and finding out what Monty really wanted for christmas. This was to be loved, it ended in the Monty getting a girlfriend for christmas, however, it turned out the be the little boys soft penguin toys all along. This was a really touching story because its about giving the gift that someones been dreaming of for christmas, and this happens in a really exciting and heart warming way in the video. 

This was one of my favourite scenes in the video because its near the end where Monty finally gets what he has been wanting and the look on his face just reminds you of christmas when people are really happy with their presents and you've got the present that you wanted. Also when there is a emotional story in an advert you can become quite attached to the story especially when there are animals involved, and knowing that he finally got what he was dreaming of makes you feel happy for him. 'Give someone the christmas they have been dreaming of' is the line that sticks in your head because its the last line of the advert and it inspires you to make christmas really special for everyone, and to do that John Lewis is the place to go to make christmas magical. This has been such a successful TV advert because it was only put on youtube 1 day ago and it has already had over 4 million views, which compared to Debenhams 209,000 views, is amazing. I feel this is because they produce such creative and interesting adverts that people just love watching them. 

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