Saturday, 15 November 2014

Lights Everywhere

While walking around London I saw a trend in lights, there was lights everywhere, different styles, colours and occasions. These were the lights that I was really drawn to look at, purely because of the colours, the design and the composition of the lights. Seeing these lights from a distance I first thought that it would be an alternative shop or a bar/club because of how random and bright these lights were, but as I got closer I realised it was Debenhams which was a real shock to me. This was because I see Debenhams as quite a sophisticated and classy shop, and I did not expect this type of design to be in Debenhams. As I looked around at the store these lights were everywhere so the theme went across the whole of the store which was really effective. This just shows that trying something different can sometimes pay off because this type of display is not like the usual christmas displays you see, its unique so people are more likely to remember it. Visual Display is so important when advertising nowadays because if something does not look visually appealing most people won't even look at it, so to draw people to your shop and products it needs to stand out and appeal to your target audience. 

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